Friday, June 20, 2008

I found the birthdate! 6-20-08

" Born-on date" seems to be October 1954 according to the penciled date on the canvas. If I had not been careful I would have ripped this canvas off and never seen this detail. Click on the picture of the red canvas above and look for the birthday written in pencil.

Several cracked planks which I had to remove. I will replace these with new cedar planking.

Both stems had to be removed. Now that was fun! I had to pull the nails away from the stem and out of the planking. I will reconstruct the stems and reinsert I hope in the next few days.

The sponsons were dry-rotted, cracked and broken. I was able to save a small section of one. Since the owner will not be sailing this boat, I will not replace them.

I located the date of canvasing. 10-18-54. It was on the canvas just behind the sponson on the stern end. Was this ths completion date? A recanvasing date? When I first began looking at the brass screws holding the outwales on, I thought I would never be able to get the screws out. I though I would have to drill them out. However, would you believe that EVERY screw came out with no effort except gentle turning of the screw driver!?I know this sounds crazy but it is not...I think this canoe wants to float again so bad that it helped me get those brass screws out. Hey, I was even able to save almost every brass tack. They all came out easily. Could it be that this canoe has been silently crying out to be put back on water and now it is cooperating quickly and easily to get to East Loon Bay in BWCAW?

How often those persons who do not want help will refuse it! On the contrary those who know what they are made of and know what they want to become will seek help. This canoe will be northbound one day or on a local lake where it is meant to be!

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