I giggled! You will not believe how pretty this canoe is once I put three coats of varnish on it! Absolutely beautiful! I brushed on the first coat whicj I thinned with 50% thinner. Once finished I was a little hesitant...the next day it did not shine very well and even after 24 hours it was still tacky. I waited another day and then sanded it. On day three I put the second coat on with 25% thinner. That looked nice. I let it dry 24 hours and sanded again. I applied coat three and boy did it shine! Tonight I will sand and recoat with number four then do a total of seven coats. That is a lot of sanding. On coat one I thought it was enough but I am so glad I took the time to sand, clean, recoat, sand, clean, recoat, sand, clean recoat! Each time it was nicer. I believe God does that with me. Just when I think things can get no better, He spends time sanding away those things that need not be in my life, cleans me then builds me up. The process in the Wesley theological tradition is called sanctifying grace. Its the means whereby God shapes us into the "vessel" (good pun huh?) He wants me to be.
So, when you think God is quiet, not saying a word, has forgotten about you or things just don't seem to be going the way you had hoped, why not ask God to sand you with 220 grit sandpaper (his shaping) and recoat you with His spirit. YOU WILL SHINE!
My hope is to have the canvas on the boat and the filler on by Saturday night the 11th. That way it can cure for the two weeks while I am on vacation. Two weeks after that we can paint! Yehaw!
1 comment:
Does God use tack cloth after sanding to make sure nothing unwanted is left behind? The canoe looks BEAUTIFUL!
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